starting approximation

英 [ˈstɑːtɪŋ əˌprɒksɪˈmeɪʃn] 美 [ˈstɑːrtɪŋ əˌprɑːksɪˈmeɪʃn]




  1. Starting from a modified Kobayashi-McMillan hamiltonian, ( 1) phase diagrams of liquid crystals of long molecules are calculated in the mean field approximation;
  2. A further study given by the paper shows that so long as appropriate starting point is selected and reasonable locations of node points are positioned, two-dimensional quadratic splines always give precise approximation to many typical types of two-independent-variable chemical engineering curves.
  3. On Starting from the generating functional of Green function in phase space and introducing exterior sources for canonical momenta, it turns out that the generating functional of proper vertices is equal to canonical action in tree approximation.
  4. In this paper, starting from the relation between two distinct topological structure, we propose a simple self-consistent method based on the Maxwell-Garnett theory, in order to improve the Bruggeman's effective medium theory ( mean-field-type approximation).
  5. Starting from the Rayleigh diffraction integral and using analytic signal complex representation, the propagation equation of ultrashort pulses in free space has been derived in the near-field beyond the paraxial approximation, which is consistent with the paraxial results in previous literatures if the paraxial approximation is made.
  6. Starting from the universal approximation theorem of multilayered feed forward neural networks, this paper proves that the finite time trajectory of nonlinear continuous time system with input can be approximated by the state vector of the output units of a class of recurrent neural networks.
  7. Starting from the Kubo-Greenwood formula modified to include ion vibrations under the adiabatic approximation and considering that the low-lying excited normal modes of lattice vibrations are long-wave-length elastic waves, we propose a simple model for phonon-induced electrical resistivity at low temperatures in highly resistive metallic alloys.
  8. Starting from the approximation of power series of P-SV converted wave reflection coefficient, the paper gave the approximations of P-SV converted wave reflection coefficient represented by multi-composition of different parameters and explored the theory and methods using these approximations for AVO weighted stack parameters inversion.
  9. Starting from the nonlinear differential equation for a non-uniform ferromagnet in mean field approximation, we apply the bifurcation theory to discuss the pheno-mena of magnetic phase transition.
  10. This paper proposes two improved program of particle filter algorithm, mainly starting from the selected importance function. Adding measurement information the current time into the probability distribution, we can get the approximation of the true probability distribution.